Module @flit/publish-cdk-assets

This package exposes a CLI tool to upload CDK emitted assets to S3. It's intended to be used in automated deployment environments to publish the CDK assets before deploying the Cloud Formation Stack.

Warning: This package is EXPERIMENTAL and might undergo breaking changes

Warning: This package currently DOES NOT support Docker assets



npm i -g @flit/publish-cdk-assets

Basic Usage

Important: Assets in nested cloud assembly manifest ARE included

Important: Ensure that the account running this command has write privileges for the S3 bucket the assets are published to

The root command will publish the CDK assets listed in the manifest.json at the given path

pca ./path/to/manifest/

By default the current region is taken from the AWS_REGION environmental variable but can be changed using the -r option

pca ./path/to/manifest/ -r "eu-central-1"

The list function can be used for testing and debugging, to show what CDK assets the CLI would publish to S3 given the path to the manifest

pca ls ./path/to/manifest/


